by Pat Pitt | Jul 13, 2022 | General
It Was the Biggest One Yet: The Tenth Fourth! Roughly 130 folks showed up! And that ain’t all: Six – count’em, six – bagpipers & drummers from the Capitol City Highlanders led the parade, including (for the fifth time) our resident piper Philip Bates. How’s that...
by Pat Pitt | Jul 13, 2022 | General
You may have thought that this amazing – and at first confusing – intersection opened back in 2021, and it did become “driveable” then. I was worried then about the difficult-to-see lane and stop markings, especially the stop llines because they were so hard to see...
by Pat Pitt | Jun 19, 2022 | Trees & Trail
At the time of this publication, our long-anticipated, ADA-compliant, concrete-paved park trail nears completion. It’s even possible that, by the time you read this, all the concrete will be poured on “our side” of Lamar. The entry there will be the last section...
by Pat Pitt | May 29, 2022 | General
You surely noticed the solar-powered speed monitors which were set up on both sides of Covington and Whitewing for a while (the one on Covington has now been removed), since they display your measured speed on big screens mounted on metal posts as you approach them,...
by Pat Pitt | Mar 15, 2022 | Announcements
One section of the “map- drawings” of improvements to North Lamar under the 2016 Mobility Bond (i.e., already funded) is shown to the left. Medians are the main features, shown as light green strips outlined in blue in the center of Lamar, oriented with north up. This...